Silly summary of Isaiah 6.1-9, another bit from the Adopt a Prophet and make a facebook page for them assignment for Biblical Literature class.
Death: King Uzziah is dead.
God: I am sitting in my throne room.
Seraphim: We are also in the throne room.
Isaiah: Sorry, I did not know anyone was in here.
Seraphim: Holy, holy, holy is HaShem, Master of Legions; the whole world is filled with his glory.
Isaiah: Woe is me, for I am doomed: for I am a man of impure lips and I dwell among a people with impure lips, for my eyes have seen the King, HaShem, Master of Legions.”
Seraphim: Behold, this coal has touched your lips; your iniquity has gone away and your sin shall be atoned for.
God: Whom shall I send, and who shall go for us?
Isaiah: Here I am! Send me!
God: Good, a volunteer.
Seraphim: It is a good thing that he volunteered; we are all out of burning bushes.
God: Say to the people---
Isaiah: What people?
God: ---Surely, you hear, but you do not comprehend; and surely you see, but you fail to understand.
Isaiah: Oh! Those people!
God: This people is fattening its heart, hardening its ears, and sealing its eyes, lest it see with its eyes, hear with its ears, and understand with its heart, so that it will repent and be healed.
Obama: We need to reform health care and education.
God: Who are you?
Obama: I am the chosen instrument of change.
Isaiah: I thought I was.
God: You are.
Isaiah: Who is?
Obama: Who is?
Seraphim: There should be a law against parodies like this.
"Blasphemously" funny.