
Thursday, March 25, 2010

March 26 2010 Open Full Moon Announcement

Here is the blurb advertising Friday's Open Full Moon Ritual, for those who do not recieve the newsletter. I am curious to see how this one turns out considering that I was the person who wrote the article that inspired the ritual.

Hearthstone meets the Friday before or the Friday of the Full Moon in the upstairs chapel at the First Unitarian Church at 14th and Lafayette in Denver. The church doors open at 7, and we like to start at 7:30. (We are NOT big proponents of Pagan Standard Time, but if there is weather related driving trouble or a problem on the freeway, we've been known to wait a bit longer.) This month's ritual is FRIDAY, March 26, 2010.

At the March 26th OFM, the ritual will give participants the experience of exercising their own will, through the use of words, to create the Circle, call the Quarters, invoke the Gods and manifest their will in magical circle using Words of Power. The ritual was created in response to the inspiring article on "The Use of Positive Statements in Ritual" in Hearthstone's January newsletter. Cynthia Lefevre and Arynne welcome you to join them in empowering ourselves and honoring the seed moon of March.

"If you ask me what I came into this world to do, I will tell you: I came to live out loud."
--Emile Zola

Hearthstone Community Church, Inc.

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