
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Even the computer dislikes part of my latest book review

I spent the day working on a book review of Darcy Kuntz's The Historic Structure of the Original Golden Dawn Temples. It turned out to be an all day project (lots of words for a 48 page booklet). When I got done writing it finally, I thought that the worst of it was over.

Boy, was I wrong.

Turns out the uploading it to the internet was a bigger pain in the #$%*! than the actual writing was.

For one thing, I tried to use bold in a few places to make it easier to read. The system decided that it wanted to just bold the entire last half of the article. It also decided to change "Ordinis AO [Alpha et Omega] in the Outer, Amen-Ra Temple, No. 6, Extract from Bye-Laws (GH Frater Sub Spe [J.W. Brodie-Innes], 7=4) Edinburgh (C. 1910)" to simply "Ordinis AO."

I backtracked though the submission process a half dozen times, trying to get the system to do it right. In the end, I gave up on the bold and trying to correct the Ordinis AO to what it actually was supposed to read; hence the book review as it appears on Associated Content is not exactly how I meant it to look. *sigh*

So if you read my review of Darcy Kuntz's The Historic Structure of the Original Golden Dawn Temples, please bear that in mind. Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. sigh..i think it is a blogger thing...this happened to me so often I ended up having to switch to Wordpress. (in my case I was getting strange font sizes and type mid-post..the more I tried to correct it the worse it became.) Also found out I couldn't copy and paste into blogger but had to write posts directly into it. Sorry for your troubles!


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