
Sunday, October 3, 2010

Another astrology column done

Wrote another astrology column today for Campus Connection, the student newspaper of the Community College of Denver. At first, I thought this column was a throw-away, but it turned out rather good in my opinion. Today is one of those days that I wish that I could share the column with my audience faster, but the writer agreement is that I am not allowed to republish until the issue is off the stands (about six weeks from now).

I would consider directing people to the issue when it came out, but the pdf issue that is currently up on the CCD website is from April. Yes, the pdf is six months out of date. I wonder if anyone on the publishing end is aware of that tidbit of information. Plus, getting to the pdf is harder than it should be. *sigh*

What was this column about? Well, I was explaining how some of the traits of the sun signs were echoed in the zodiacal glyphs. You know the drill: What does the symbol of the two fishes of Pisces say about natives Pisces? And so forth.

Anyways, if you find yourself impatient to see the column I just did, remember that I feel that way also.

Update (August 4, 2011): Reading the comments, I was reminded that I should really provide my readers with a link to this article now that it is "reprinted." The name of the article is "What the Glyph of Your Zodiac Sign Represents."


  1. Ahh, the PDF issue would irritate the crap out of me.

  2. Is the newspaper only available to students? I can't find anything about it on the public CCD website.

  3. The newspaper is supposed to be published in both print and online (in pdf). Unfortunately, the online section has been ill-ran the entire time I have been working for the CCD paper. It is also very hard to actually find when it is actually online.


    I have been "reprinting" some of the columns on Associated Content (now the Yahoo! Contributor Network). I should post a link at the bottom of this entry.

    Chris, I really liked your article on disassociating astrology with 20112. I cringe whenever I run across someone jumping on the 2012 bandwagon. I have a couple of entries on this blog stating that I think that 2012 is going to be a non-event.

  4. Thanks! Glad to hear that you enjoyed the article.

    Hey, you know I live in Denver as well, and I organize a local astrology group that meets up downtown each month. Our next meeting is tomorrow (Saturday) at 3:00 PM at the Mercury Cafe. We meet the second Saturday of each month. You should join us sometime. Here is our page on Meetup:


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