
Sunday, February 27, 2011

Repairing the Hierophant Sceptre

Decided to take a couple of pictures of the Hierophant's Sceptre as I repaired it today. This particular tool has been in use for eight of the ten and a half years of Bast Temple's existence (for a couple of years, we used a different Sceptre). This one was made from a wooden dowel, red and gold paint, some balsam wood for the crown points, and a giant cork. I am not sure what the support rod is made of (and I did not think about examining it before gluing the crown back onto the shaft). It is not as neat as the one that I saw that used a Pringle can for the crown. This is the first time that I ever had to repair it in the decade it has been in use. It is ugly, but functional.


  1. Hey, the first Sceptre I made used a Pringles can too :) Nice to be part of a tradition...

  2. Right on! It's not even ugly. Much. It's barely ugly.

  3. Chic has started making these out of thick leather which is brilliant. It is easy to cut and can take the odd smashing aside of the wands in the 1=10 without breaking

  4. I think it is beautiful, because of the love and care
    Ina Custers-van Bergen

  5. That sceptre will be in an archive one day, i am sure. :)

    You can buy pre-made tough wood crowns in the form of curtain rod finials at home finishing stores.



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