
Friday, February 3, 2012

Sasquatch and the law

I learn something new everyday. Today, I learned that it is illegal to kill a sasquatch (Big Foot) in several parts of the world. In Skamania county (Washington), if you plan a "premeditated, wilful and wanton slaying of such creature," it is a gross misdemeanor and can get you a year in jail and a thousand dollar fine. There is also a Whatcom county law (again Washington state) declaring Whatcom county to a Sasquatch protection zone---I am not sure what the penalty for capping a Big Foot in a protection zone would be...but I am guessing that you will no longer be allowed to eat pizza. It is also illegal to kill a sasquatch in Britsh Columbia (Canada). So if Dean and Sam Winchester ask you to help them kill a murderous Big Foot, just say no.


  1. Killing a sasquatch is ridiculous anyway. If you hunt with a tranquilizer gun you can bring a live one back for scientists to study.

  2. The question I have is in regard to the reason there is such a law. Intuitively I would say either they are
    a) trying to protect an endangered species or
    b)they are just annoyed with the monster hunters.

    I would put my money on choice b, if for no other reason than it is the funnier choice.

  3. I was going with c) there is someone actually in town who believes Big Foot exists and they have a megaphone. (Please, remember I live in Denver, a place where one loud mouth keeps trying to get the city to officially have a welcoming committee for UFOs.)

  4. On a more serious note, my guess would be that they're trying to prevent hunters running around shooting at anything that looks like a bigfoot. Even if you don't believe that such an animal exists, from a legal standpoint it still might be prudent to protect the life of anyone who wants to run around in a gorilla suit. I mean, I think bigfoot hoaxing is kind of dumb, but that doesn't mean I think it's reasonable for anyone who does it to get killed for their trouble.

  5. Which brings us back to your comment about hunting with tranquilizer guns...because the proper punishment for hoaxers should be having to live in a cage for a month while being poked at by scientists.

  6. You make a good point: everyone should have the right to run around in the woods in a gorilla suit without being shot. However, if that is truly the influence for said law, it makes you wonder if that is based on a commonly occurring practice of gorilla/Sasquatch role-playing.

    [Imagine: You rolled a 19, so you have to stay in the woods for a week and you can only eat wild leaves and twigs. No, that's not what I meant by role-playing, but it came to mind when I said it.]


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