
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Day 3 of 2nd Annual 31 Days of Halloween Kitties

All this Halloween spirit makes kittens tired.
For some people...and cats...everyday is Halloween. Other people...but never cats...have to work extra hard to get ready for Halloween...unless they say "Humspider." We dislike the people who say Humspider...because they tend to have a stick stuck up...well, you know.

1 comment:

  1. I have completely forgotten what this joke was about---good thing it still has a cute Halloween cat picture to go with the joke. LOL.


All comments on posts older than fourteen days are moderated--unless there is an outbreak of trolls selling their own brand of spammy goodness, in which case, I will go back to moderating all comments. Remember my cats do not like being petted by smelly trolls or eating spam--and they are the ones that I have to please. Meow!