
Saturday, February 23, 2013

My favorite 2012 Tarot Blog Hop post

The start of me drawing lots of monkeys.
As my regular readers know, last year I started to take part in the Tarot Blog Hop. (Basically, a blog hop is a group of bloggers that create a circle of blog posts on a subject, and their readers can go from blog to blog reading various bloggers ideas about a certain subject--more or less). What they might not know is that I am going to be the wrangler for the upcoming Ostaru Tarot Blog Hop.

Exactly what does the wrangler of a blog hop do? Well, they come up with the initial idea for the blog hop and try to get everyone moving in the same direction. They also spend a part of the day of the blog hop making sure that all the links of the blog hop actually work.

As I prepare to deal with the upcoming blog hop, I got to thinking about last year's cycle of blog hops. In hindsight, I must admit that the post that I did that sticks out the most for me is Mooning the Sun.

At the time, I did not realize how significant this post would turn out to be for me. I was talking about how my religion affected my view of the Tarot cards. And for copyright reasons, I chose to create a new version of the Sun card.

Originally, I meant for there to be two cats sitting on the wall; but by the time I was done, they turned into monkeys. Since then I have done several more cards of the "Monkey Tarot," though I must admit that it is a far way from being finished.

But the most important part about the monkey version of the Sun card was the fact that I was later tapped to draw the illustrations of a Wiccan friendly children book series which has lots of monkeys in it (Turtle Monkey). Yes, that is right--a children book author decided that I was the perfect artist to illustrate their series--scary, isn't it?!

Because of that, for me the best (or at least, most memorable) post I did for last year's Tarot Blog Hop was Mooning the Sun.

[Update: July 2013: Due to differences in sales expectations and business philosophy, in early July 2013, I ceased to be involved in the Turtle Monkey project.]


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