
Sunday, October 6, 2013

Binary shabtis (31-HP Day 7)

[A quick note to the readers from the Ultimate Blog Challenge: In Ancient Egypt, it was believed that the afterlife was much like the living world--tending fields, making beer, raising cattle, etc.--with there being plenty of work to do. In the living world, the Pharaoh had servants to preform these duties. The shabtis (stone and clay figurines) are meant to be the servants of the Pharaoh (and the richer Egyptians) in the afterlife, activated by a prayer to which the shabti would answer, "I will do it; verily I am here when thou callest." This concept may have made its way into the Jewish legends of the Golem (another entity that is made of clay. Essentially, a shabti is a servant. Now onto today's poem...]

Busy today, very, very busy,
So many pixels to lift,
So many pages to read,
So many posts to release,
Too much to do alone.

Hail, binary shabti!
I need information!
"I will do it, says shabti.
I will send forth spiders
And find the information for you."

Hail, binary shabti!
I need to post while away!
"I will do it, says shabti.
Store you excellent post
And I will send it forth at the appointed hour."

Hail, binary shabti!
I don't want to talk to angry girlfriend!
"I will listen, says shabti.
And tell her that you are busy...
...even if all you are doing is watching TV."

Hail, binary shabti!
I need to make some money!
"Good luck with that, says shabti.
Outside of taking order and collecting money,
There is not much I can do for you, you lazy git!"


  1. That's lovely Morgan! I really enjoyed it and now I need a binary shabti of my own. I guess that would be a posting calendar...but my work is too impromptu for I was just posting on UBC that I take a part in a Sunday challenge called the Sunday whirl. If you like writing poetry you might like to join in. There are some terrific people all over the world there and a good way to increase your readership. :) Lovely to meet you and I hope you have a fantastic week.

  2. The after life, is just the next stop in our transition. Cool poem. Cheers Nikki@Wonderfully Women

  3. Hey Morgan!

    Love the poem buddy! You are very creative with your writing. Looking forward to reading more of your stuff. Have a great week!

  4. Hey Morgan!

    Love the poem buddy! You are very creative with your writing. Looking forward to reading more of your stuff. Have a great week!


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