
Thursday, April 10, 2014

Address from the hot dry sands

Because of a lack of information coming out of the dry spring heat of Nevada, I present a bit of New Age Nonsense from the remarkable New Age Bullshit Generator--can you tell the difference between that and some of the stuff that New Age gurus actually say?

(Start report here...)

You and I are storytellers of the stratosphere.

Today, science tells us that the essence of nature is science. We vibrate, we vibrate, we are reborn.

It is a sign of things to come.

As you reflect, you will enter into infinite coherence that transcends understanding. The akashic record may be the solution to what’s holding you back from an unimaginable metamorphosis of transformation. Through Kabala, our hearts are immersed in awareness.

To embark on the myth is to become one with it. By deepening, we live. This life is nothing short of a blossoming revolution of ancient being.

The dreamscape is calling to you via superpositions of possibilities. Can you hear it? Have you found your path? It can be difficult to know where to begin.

Humankind has nothing to lose.

Being, look within and awaken yourself. How should you navigate this amazing world? Although you may not realize it, you are cosmic.

The complexity of the present time seems to demand a flowering of our brains if we are going to survive. We can no longer afford to live with turbulence. Without conscious living, one cannot grow.

(End report here.)

Unicorns are your friends, even when they are eating out your brain.
Yes sir we bob, I can't tell the difference, and neither can you. Remember boys and girls, if your brain is rotten, the zombies will not eat it.

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