
Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Open letter to Watcher of the Dawn and Mike Thomson and David Griffin

Dear Watcher of the Dawn, Mike Thomson, and David Griffin,

Today, Mike Thomson decided to write a blog post revealing why the good folks behind Watcher of the Dawn write posts badmouthing David Griffin. You can read his post here. And you can read what Watcher of the Dawn does here. 

There is only one problem with Mike Thomson's post--I am not actually part of the staff that does Watcher of the Dawn.

But at this point in time, I so want to be a member of their staff. Of course, this is much like the fact that I wished I created Hog Dee, or was the ever amusing pine teeth wearing Mitzy Gaynor.

(And if I ever convince the creator of Hog Dee to allow me ownership of the character, Hog Dee will return!!! I wonder if Watcher wants a feature cartoon starring numpties.)

Yes, my comment to Inriel Lux was true, except that I was speaking for myself, and not the staff of Watcher of the Dawn. My hatred of David Griffin was sparked by his inability to live with a THREE STAR book review. By casting me as a conspiracy member, he made sure that I would remain a hater of all things Griffin. I went straight from neutral book reviewer to a torch carrying rebel against the "one ond only true Golden Dawn Order" (trademarked and marketed nine ways to Sunday).

As for things I am actually guilty of, I just hit "publish" on three blog posts that I had wrote, but never published. I figure if I am going to be the center of a flame war, I just as well be up-to-date with my hatred of Griffin. I am not sure why Mike Thomson cares about how people view Griffin; but hell if I am going to be damned, I just as well be damned.

So to Watcher of the Dawn, do not let Mike Thomson blaming an innocent reader of your blog stop you from doing what is right. Warn people about the numpties!

To David Griffin, keep being yourself--because as long as you badmouth other people, you will be hated.

To Mike Thomson, keep up the hatred and blaming of people--I can always use the blog traffic.

To everyone else, consider buying an ebook or bumper sticker from me.

As for myself, I will continue to be here, the same hateful person that I have always been. Writers like me are not loved...mainly because we are the enemies of everyone who might be guilty of harming occult students.

Yours in blood, hate, and sweat, Morgana Draconis, aka Morgan Drake Eckstein.


  1. Ah, no offence, Morgan, but I find it very strange and highly amusing that Mike should be so sure you're 'The Watcher'. :)

    Your style and that of 'The Watcher' is very different. And there have been several internal references in the Watcher's post to make it clear that you are not the Watcher (or indeed anyone in your neck of the woods).

    So, i am glad you find it amusing... from your merriment comes great posts :)

  2. I find it interesting that Mike Thomson is sure you are terrible because you are upset at David Griffin because he got upset at a 3 star review. From what I have seen, that might have sharpened your focus, but your main problem is the harm he does to students. Am I imagining this, or is Mike Thomson oblivious?


All comments on posts older than fourteen days are moderated--unless there is an outbreak of trolls selling their own brand of spammy goodness, in which case, I will go back to moderating all comments. Remember my cats do not like being petted by smelly trolls or eating spam--and they are the ones that I have to please. Meow!