
Sunday, December 21, 2014

The Joy of Giving Tarot Spread

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Welcome to the December 2014's Tarot Blog Hop. Today's Blog Hop is all about a spread that this Hop's wrangler, Arwen Lynch Poe, wanted us Tarot bloggers to explore. Arwen said:

"Yule, Hanukah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, Solstice, Winter. Whatever you call this time of year, it is a season of gift giving, gift receiving and sharing with family and friends for a majority of the world. Whether Papa Noel brings you a candy cane or the Winter Witch brings you switches, it’s a time of anticipation. The anticipation of what I might be getting and what I am giving are equal joys for me. To that end, here is a spread for each of us to do.

"The Joy Of Gifting

    What gift would you give the world if you could?
    What gift would you want from the world?
    What gift have you gotten that has brought you joy?
    What gift have you given that has brought you joy?
    What is one last thing you would like to share about this season?"

The Joy of Giving Tarot spread.
And here are the cards that I pulled for this post.

Knight of Wands, Hanged Man, Two of Cups, Three of Cups, the Sun.
1. What gift would I give the world if I could---Knight of Wands: A fiery passion and sense of purpose. Actually as a blogger, writer, and an occasional teacher, I give freely of this gift already. I tend to be a fire starter, and gasoline tosser. Of course, there are those who hate the fact that I am so passionate about subjects that they wish would simply go away. While I like to think that I ask questions that make people think---I know full well that my questions tend to just make people upset. Unleash the dogs of war, I say.

2. What gift would I want from the world---the Hanged Man: One of the things that I have sacrificed over the years is hope of making a decent income. In many versions of this card, the man is dropping or losing money. By choosing to be a writer, I gave up much more monetary better options. I would love to be somehow able to make up for that sacrifice (aka make decent money as a writer).

3. What gift have I received that has brought me joy---Two of Cups: I got lucky and found a woman that puts up with me and all my little quirks. And I recently officially married her. It is nice to have a partner, who understands me, or at least is willing to make the attempt. I am blessed in this regard.

4. What gift have I given that has brought me joy---Three of Cups: A few years ago, I had the opportunity to help start a Golden Dawn lodge here in Denver, Colorado. While it lasted, the experience of helping a group of people progress though the Golden Dawn system was very pleasing. Of course, all good things come to an end, and I am no longer involved in running a lodge; but it was fun while it lasted.

5. What is one last thing I would like to share this season---the Sun: I would like to share the knowledge that the darkness passes. Misfortunes and grief and depressions only last so long, then the Light returns, and things are renewed. Things will get better; it is only a matter of time before they do.

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Friday, December 19, 2014

That's a paddin! (Things not to say in Golden Dawn forums)

Go ahead---use those Bible quotes to prove that you are right.
Last night, I had an encounter with a troll on one of the Facebook Golden Dawn groups. In honor of this brave troll (he was proud to be Norse--which made him better than the members of the Golden Dawn), I present ten things to say if you want to get a paddlin' and booted from a group that I moderate (and yes, I do moderate a couple of Facebook groups).

1: I have never opened a book on Golden Dawn, but I know that Golden Dawn members are doing it wrong.

2: Golden Dawn Orders are the babysitters of the occult.

3: Aleister Crowley was (and will always be) the most important member of Golden Dawn.

4. Golden Dawn magic obviously does not work because none of the Golden Dawn members are lottery winners.

5. Golden Dawn, the magical Order, is the same as the Greek political party, Chrysi Augi.

6. Come join my vastly superior magical Order.

7. The magicians of Golden Dawn are nothing more than cry baby divas.

8. Master Magicians and Adepts are fighting with one another for the privilege to teach me.

9. Golden Dawn is the Satanist pawn of the SRIA Illuminati.

10. I know the answer to your question. It is in my expensive book that I have written---go buy it right now!  

And if this was not enough to inspire your trollish nature, and you want to go for the ultimate trolling status and that honorable banned trophy, watch this important instructional video by JP Sears. 

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Want to blog in the Tarot Blog Hop?

Are you a blogger? Do you blog about the Tarot? Do you want to be part of a community of Tarot bloggers? If the answer is yes to these three questions, you might be interested in becoming part of the Tarot Blog Hop.

What is the Tarot Blog Hop? The Tarot Blog Hop is a group of Tarot bloggers that do a blog on the same theme eight times a year for fun and community building. Each participant links their blog to a Master List (which contains links to all the bloggers doing a particular Hop), and to two other bloggers in the blog ring for that theme.

The eight times of year that the Tarot Blog Hop occurs is timed to the eight Wiccan/pagan holidays of the wheel of the year---not because the Tarot Blog Hop is particularly pagan/Wiccan, but because it was a convenient division of the year according to the Arwen Lynch Poe (the organizer of the Tarot Blog Hops).

Imbolic, February 2
Ostara (Spring Equinox), app. March 22
Beltane, May 1
Litha (Summer Solstice), app. June 22
Lammas/Lughnasad, August 1
Mabon (Autumn Equinox), app. September 22
Samhain/Halloween, October 31
Yule (Winter Solstice), app. December 22

The theme of the Wiccan Sabbat may or may not have anything to do with the the holiday that the Tarot Blog Hop occurring on them. The theme of the Tarot Blog Hop is chosen by the volunteer who steps forward to organize the Tarot Blog Hop of that holiday. The theme will always have something to do with the Tarot, even if it is only using the cards to talk about a particular subject. The wrangler (as the volunteer is called) also sets up and hosts the Master List which is used to help readers get past any breaks in the blog chain. 

Participants in the Tarot Blog Hop must have a blog where they write about Tarot (at least occasionally), must commit to participating in at least two Tarot Blog Hops per year, must agree to link their posts to the Master List and to two other bloggers,and must agree to commit on five of the blog posts in any of the Hops they take part in.

If this sounds like your cup of tea, send a membership request to the Tarot Blog Hop Facebook group. A group moderator will private message you to confirm that you have a blog, and agree to participate in two Blog Hops per year---upon confirmation, the moderator will approve your membership in the Tarot Blog Hop group.

Not a blogger and just want to stay informed about the Tarot Blog Hop? There is also a Facebook fan page for the Tarot Blog Hop for those who just want news about the Tarot Blog Hop.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Open Full Moon rituals in Denver Colorado

Founded in 1991, Hearthstone Community Church is a Wiccan church, in Denver Colorado, that helps pagan and Wiccan groups and individuals perform Open Full Moon rituals.

Hearthstone OFMs are held at the First Unitarian Church, 1400 Lafayette, Denver, Colorado. Doors open at 7 pm, and ritual starts at 7:30 pm. The rituals are held upstairs, and the Church is handicapped accessible (there is an elevator that goes up to the second floor).

Suggested donation--five dollars (to help cover operating costs and room rental).

Open Full Moon ritual dates for 2015

January 2
January 30
February 27
April 3
May 1
May 29
June 26
July 31
August 28
September 25
October 23
November 20
(December has no OFM ritual due to the date following on Christmas)

Hearthstone Community Church has a free monthly newsletter for Colorado residents that is also published on the HCC's Facebook page.