
Sunday, December 14, 2014

Want to blog in the Tarot Blog Hop?

Are you a blogger? Do you blog about the Tarot? Do you want to be part of a community of Tarot bloggers? If the answer is yes to these three questions, you might be interested in becoming part of the Tarot Blog Hop.

What is the Tarot Blog Hop? The Tarot Blog Hop is a group of Tarot bloggers that do a blog on the same theme eight times a year for fun and community building. Each participant links their blog to a Master List (which contains links to all the bloggers doing a particular Hop), and to two other bloggers in the blog ring for that theme.

The eight times of year that the Tarot Blog Hop occurs is timed to the eight Wiccan/pagan holidays of the wheel of the year---not because the Tarot Blog Hop is particularly pagan/Wiccan, but because it was a convenient division of the year according to the Arwen Lynch Poe (the organizer of the Tarot Blog Hops).

Imbolic, February 2
Ostara (Spring Equinox), app. March 22
Beltane, May 1
Litha (Summer Solstice), app. June 22
Lammas/Lughnasad, August 1
Mabon (Autumn Equinox), app. September 22
Samhain/Halloween, October 31
Yule (Winter Solstice), app. December 22

The theme of the Wiccan Sabbat may or may not have anything to do with the the holiday that the Tarot Blog Hop occurring on them. The theme of the Tarot Blog Hop is chosen by the volunteer who steps forward to organize the Tarot Blog Hop of that holiday. The theme will always have something to do with the Tarot, even if it is only using the cards to talk about a particular subject. The wrangler (as the volunteer is called) also sets up and hosts the Master List which is used to help readers get past any breaks in the blog chain. 

Participants in the Tarot Blog Hop must have a blog where they write about Tarot (at least occasionally), must commit to participating in at least two Tarot Blog Hops per year, must agree to link their posts to the Master List and to two other bloggers,and must agree to commit on five of the blog posts in any of the Hops they take part in.

If this sounds like your cup of tea, send a membership request to the Tarot Blog Hop Facebook group. A group moderator will private message you to confirm that you have a blog, and agree to participate in two Blog Hops per year---upon confirmation, the moderator will approve your membership in the Tarot Blog Hop group.

Not a blogger and just want to stay informed about the Tarot Blog Hop? There is also a Facebook fan page for the Tarot Blog Hop for those who just want news about the Tarot Blog Hop.

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