
Sunday, November 15, 2015

Elohim Gibor is not peaceful (spells for Paris)

Consider your intent before you cast that spell.
Public Service Announcement: Today, I have seen a lot of solutions put forth about the tragedy in Paris. One included an a magical operation to protect Paris. This ritual included the use of the divine name Elohim Gibor. This name is not peaceful energy; it is martial energy. It is fine if you think that the answer is More Guns!!! or you fancy yourself an occult knight leading the forces of freedom. But it is not ok if you are aiming for peaceful solutions. Don't be fooled---Elohim Gibor is violence, and is like pouring gasoline on a fire. If you are after violence--fine--but I think that maybe you should consider using a different Power Word.


  1. For cryin' out loud Morgan. You are not a Neophyte. You know full well that the energies of Gevurah can be used for Magicka protection. If you don't know, you should know. Are you really so clueless as a Magician as you pretend to be?

  2. Ore are you just being dishonest and misleading AGAIN?

  3. For those who want to hear both sides then judge for themselves, visit the HODG (AO) website at

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.


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