
Saturday, July 9, 2016

WSLA Dealing with predators in the pagan community

Recognizing and Dealing withPredators in the Pagan CommunitySunday, July 10, 2016
at the
Mercury Café 2199 California StreetDenver, CO 80205Doors open at 2:15pm, Forum from 2:30-5pm
In the interest of discussing tough topics with clear-eyed discernment and inviting all voices to be heard, WSLA is hosting a 3rd forum on Predators and Ethics.
Our community isn’t immune to people who habitually manipulate others - energetically, sexually, financially, or in other ways that betray trust.
At this gathering, we’d like to look specifically at what our shared ethical basis might be, and come up with some suggestions for recognizing inappropriate behavior, and for responding effectively to protect ourselves and better support each other.
What do healthy boundaries look like? How can we foster our own good boundaries and support those of others, especially among our young people? How do I feel supported in community – and not supported? Where do I feel I’m not being heard? Among genders, are we “hearing” each other clearly? If not, how can we improve communications?

There will be time to break out into smaller groups by gender to discuss these points.
This gathering is open to all in the Wiccan-Pagan community,whether or not you attended the previous forums.

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