
Thursday, July 20, 2017

You have survived six months of Trump (someone hold his beer)

Congratulations America--you have survived the first six months of Trump. Only another forty-two months to go...unless 'Murica re-elects him--in which case, just another ninety months to go!!!

Keep binding the damn reality star!
Ignoring the fight over whether it is ok to have poor people dying in the gutter, and the constant chatter over how the Russians elected Trump, what has happened in the last six months?

Let's see...

Consumer and environmental protections have been weakened.

The Department of Education is perfectly ok with for-profit colleges defrauding students.

Trump is making tons of money by renting his properties to the government.

Trump has played a lot of golf.

The swamp of Washington has been restocked with gators of the exact type that Trump said Hillary would put in her administration.

Tax cuts for the rich are coming--I guarantee it.

There was fishing trip looking for three and a half million zombie voters, so that Trump could prove that he won the popular vote.

Trump has continued to whine about the Fake News actually reporting the actual words coming out of his mouth.

Trump is probably going to nuke the Middle East (probably an ally), North Korea and China before nuking all the NATO countries for non-payment of monies that are not actually owed to the USA.

The wall has suffered many design changes--I think is now going to be a solar wall with big windows, so you can see drug dealers catapulting meth into the country. In other words, Mexico is going to give Trump drugs to pay for the wall.

And Trump decided that climate change is a total hoax and that your grandma in Florida can breathe underwater.

Oh, and Twitter--oh those lovely five in the morning tweets.

So basically, we are living in a reality show and the final challenge will be "Are you willing to be a cannibal"?

And you thought that this was going to be fun?!?

Hello! Is this any way to treat your Supreme Leader?

Are you an evil witch or magician having far too much fun and who is sick all the winning? Consider taking part in the global monthly waning crescent moon ritual to bind the actions of President Donald J. Trump.

For full text of Global Binding Ritual of Trump, click here. 

Dates for future Global Bind Donald J. Trump rituals 


July 21; August 19; September 18; October 17; November 16; December 16

For a full list of future Bind Trump dates, click here.

A magical sigil being used by some to bind Trump.

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