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Freemasonry meets the RC Society |
Now, my opinion about the Freemasons is based not on rumor; it is based on first hand experience of knowing Freemasons. I think everyone inside of the esoteric lodge system knows at least one Freemason---it is an occuptional hazard if you are a member of a group that has lodge meetings.
Before anyone asks---no, I am not a Freemason.
I have mixed feelingss about the Freemasons, especially when it comes to the esoteric Orders. Which is probably better than the opinions they have of me---I tend exhibit signs of adult ADHD, and I have no truck with people who are merely interested in collecting more Degrees and Grades. I also have an opinion about how much the Freemasons have to say about what goes on in the esoteric Orders, and I tend to be loud about that opinion. There is also my wicked witch ethics and beliefs.
These opinions and character flaws do not prevent me from having friends who are Freemasons; they merely prevent me from being a Freemason.
Nevertheless, I have done some study of their Order. Partially, because it is the proto-type for all lodge based systems including Golden Dawn and British Wicca (though some will argue that they are not); and partially because if you are a history student, they are really the only lodge system that you are allowed to study (if you are allowed to study them at all---the couple of papers I have done on them in college, I had to fight to do). Freemasonry to the history student is like Golden Dawn is to the literature student (the only reason you can study Golden Dawn as a literature student is that Yeats was a member).
I also collect the occasional odd bit of literature and gear that comes my way. For instance, the photo for this blog is from my collection---there is a history behind this piece of artwork; some of it personal.
Anyways, I am happening this post worked the bug out of my system because otherwise I will be boring you with other posts about the Freemasons. And no one wants that, including me.
Just to let you know, a lot of us Freemasons actually dislike compulsive joiners as well. They reduce the space available for those interested in the order/s as serious opportunities to learn and grow.
Add in the pomp and attitude you get a frustrating mix.
And we Freemasons love reading about our fraternal order and activities much more when it's written by non-Masons, it's always much more interesting than when we write about ourselves.
I can't wait!
My problem is not that they collect degrees, but they think that they actually mean something.
"I am a 33rd degree Scottish mason of the order of the Thistle!"
"How did you get that then?"
"A committee sat on it."
"what the thistle?"
"And what does this mean?"
"I get to sit down before everyone else at dinner"
"Couldnt you just sit down before everyone else?"
"No you have to sit down in order of grade."
"So what else does this mean?"
"I get a badge and when I die they stick my name in the ceiling with all the other high level masons"
"Who were also famous for sitting down early"
"We are also privy to secret passwords"
"Does that give you anything?"
"They are hundreds of years old!"
I am an Italian Freemason and am frustrated at the lack of depth of research, study and discipline of American Freemasons.
A Candidate needs... a weekend? A month? A year? A few thousand dollars? to pass quickly through degrees as they are pantomimed before him in dress costumes... yet he will know NOTHING about the Craft and about the inner meanings and values and power of the disciplines he should study, but will never care to.
I required three years to pass frmo Apprentice to Fellow of the Craft, and another two to go beyond.
Unfortunately American Freemasonry is so imbibed with the Scottish Rite, that is the only Rite they know, and will progress through the "initial" 30 Degrees like olives at a cocktail party.
The day I will meet a Scottish Brother who will be able to discuss at length about the 13th, or 14th, or 15th Degree, or why the 5th is better than the 4th...
...he will have proven his worth.
Until then, American Freemasonry is little more than a colossal Tea Party
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