Right up front, I must say that perhaps I am wrong about the following person deserving a Creeper Award. Maybe this person is completely on the up and up. But given the fact that I kinda threw up in my mouth a couple of time when someone brought his antics to attention, I feel that I am probably right that he deserves a Creeper Award. As always, if you think that I am wrong, there is the glorious comment section.
And this Creeper Award goes to Master Golden Wizard Luxas Aureaum, head of the Coven of the Rooting Circle--Witches of Maryland.
Recently he gave some information about membership in his coven to someone who found him though Witchvox. According to this source, he claims that his coven is ALL female, except for him...that might be creepy. He also seems to think that a woman's vagina, as my source put it, was some form of Witch's Rosetta Stone...you can decide how creepy that is when we get to the screenshot of that particular message.
Master Golden Wizard Luxas Aureaum may also be trying to create a teen group, a fact that might not be alarming....except that at no time did he ask my informant if they were over 18, a fact that makes me a little nauseous when I read the following messages that he sent.
Oh yes, I so want a creeper to teach me the ways of Wicca. |
The first section of this is not so bad; a lot of more traditional Wicca and witchcraft groups believe that it is ok to be nude. Hell, there are ton of Alexandrian news articles from the 1960s with a naked High Priestess in them. Though in all fairness to the Alexandrians, some of the nudity may have been simple advertising...because sex sells.
"The witches life and art is simple. It involves nudity, spiritual and physical self-confidence..." |
But the second screenshot here of the basic information on how to join his coven....well, see if you can read it without saying, "Ewwww!"
Ok, so the Golden Wizard wants money and a nude picture. |
Did you manage not to say, "Ewww!"? If so, you have a stronger stomach than I do---and I used to write dubious erotica. And I am not sure that I would believe this story if I found it in the erotica section of a bookstore, or in those special adult bookstores.
So moving on, not only does Master Golden Wizard Luxas Aureaum of the Coven of the Rooting Circle--Witches of Maryland, want a two hundred and fifty dollar donation for the coven, he wants a full frontal photo of the applicant. I guess that all witches must be beautiful---or at least the ones that he admits to his coven.
But wait--it gets better. Again, can you read this without saying, "Ewww!"?
Oh dear, your "garden" tells us everything we need to know about your witchy aura. |
In none of the traditional Wicca/witchcraft stuff in my possession have I found the keys and rules to judge how witchy a woman was based on the appearance of her "garden." Maybe my tradition is not as traditional as I have been lead to believe it is. Maybe Master Golden Wizard Luxas Aureaum is a more advanced witch than I am. Or maybe, I am perfectly correct that he deserves a Creeper Award. Again, if you disagree about him recieving the award, there is the comment section just waiting for your rebuttal.
Uhh, this request sounds like you requesting porn. |
And I am not sure that I trust this guy to destory the photos after viewing either, despite his honor as a guide and his sacred oath.
Ok, so maybe I am wrong about him being a creeper. After all, I have never been the best judge of character...my regular readers have heard some of my "bad coven and Order" stories. This is probably just how a really traditional group does things. There is probably nothing actually creepy about this guy...
Wait, are you saying that society morals are wrong about shielding those below the age of 16 from people like you?! |
...but honestly, I have yet to convince myself that particular screenshot does not scream, "Danger Seeker! Danger!" While there is a chance that I am misreading the intent and moral belief system behind the statement, personally I think that Master Golden Wizard Luxas Aureaum of the Coven of the Rooting Circle--Witches of Maryland, with that statement alone deserves a Creeper Award.
Using this picture in your educational material is strange when the actual genders are accounted for. |
I am not sure that I trust his instructional material either. I think that it speaks for itself.
Hmmm, comparing yourself to Charlie Sheen....not worrisome at all. |
And this screenshot from his newsfeed, not troublesome at all if you ignore the ego and slimeness of the statement. Maybe I really do need a second opinion of whether I should reward him with a Creeper Award.
Creepy Rob Lowe approves of this wizard....which is also alarming. (Hey, it is a joke, ok?) |
So on the behalf of up-tight witches and magicians everywhere, I proudly present Master Golden Wizard Luxas Aureaum of the Coven of the Rooting Circle--Witches of Maryland, with this Creeper Award.
I also want to give him a little advice:
Stay out of my local area because I will allow the other witches to stab you if you mess with their daughters, nieces, cousins, next door neighbors. and other young lady folk.
Dude needs his ass kicked
Dude is blocking anyone who calls him out on FB he's been exposed and is a coward
Yup I was blocked and called uneducated when I called him out.
He's in panic mode now that he's been exposed
As a mildly humorous aside - in New Zealand slang, "root" is another word for sex. I keep giggling at his coven name "Rooting Circle" - it seems like honesty in a veiled manner.
This guy isn't just a creeper, he's a frakin' rapist waiting to happen. There are just so many blazingly red flags here.
If he's actually getting girls, particularly any under 18, to meet him in person, they are in IMMEDIATE danger. (So is he, legally, and probably physically, speaking)
Then, there's the general issue of any pictures he's gotten from any of these girls, in general. As everyone knows (or should), once something is online it NEVER goes away. Again, if any of these girls are under 18, he's looking at some serious child pornography and endangerment charges. Which makes me wonder if that's why he specifies the shots "aren't" porn shots.
Last, in general, I've always heard that any time you're asked for money like this, its a scam. And, I was hearing that LOOOONG before the internet was around. Also, I don't think the name is a "veiled" anything, I think it's absolutely deliberate.
This guy sounds like so many kinds of psychosis all wrapped into one that I don't even know where to start. Delusions of grandeur, predatory behavior, and general skeeviness. I went to look at his facebook, and I found more information to solidify my opinion that this guy is just taking a spiritual path, pretending he's some great Master in it, then using that to manipulate others. Specifically women. Specifically young, vulnerable women.
This isn't unique in the craft, but it's also not terribly common. People like this just tend to stick out in memory and a little bad press is stronger than a whole bunch of good press.
Also, his facebook is extremely ego driven. He talks about himself, his opinions, his life and his "knowledge" and everything is very self-serving. For someone who wants people to be charitable with 250 dollar donations, he's not very charitable himself.
All of it speaks of a character that's disgusting and perverted, cloaked in a thick lacquer of "religion". Also, he looks like an idiot with the ninja get-up. Seriously? That's not impressive. He looks like a tool.
You're spot on, he is a sociopath and a predator to woman and children that's why he keeps men out of his "coven"
If you have any questions, please send them to me. I wouldn't have spent over a decade in this work if I didn't see its value. The only reason there are no other men in the coven is I haven't personally brought them in (Not many men can be trusted, but he proved his trust to his Lady in California, otherwise he wouldn't have been passed this work). And no, its not Wicca and no, there is no one under 18.
Yah I know and love the craft and u don't ask woman to send them pic of there privates do get an Auroa reading and this dude bases the under 18 law like he thinks it ok to Luke at under 18 year old girls naked, the dudes a fraud
All I'll say is that it's sad that the author attempted to take everything out of its context and even said something he did not say. It's funny that after over 20 years of teaching and guiding no one has been raped and no one under 18 allowed in, which by the way go for males seeking the mage arts. Seek Reg Ina if you like, she has studied under him for over a decade so, good day and journey well.
As a student of his named BLK, because that's my name I see satanic, hard core gardnerian, and esoteric designs demand proof their "real", I'm a man by the way and he has men in the art, and has since 2002. He doesn't work with under age people, and has a post dated since 2004 that says exactly this. "so i advise any who talk about him "otherwise" that they may be seeing themselves served with slander, it's true one should protect their kids and I personally would kick his ass, If he was that type of person or teacher, but "people seem to hate mystery and strike out on what they don't know, so for a group that are "religiously awakened, there is some god awful prudes talking. about a system and a person and a message that none of them has been invited two, as for hiding from "the confused because its not normal crowd" wouldn't you, they just want a message to prove themselves powerful over him because of ego or the fact they couldn't get into anything this deep as well.
Hell,,, I can only speak from experience, and "AS A Student/Pupil" he asks for the best from everyone he works with, and if they can't offer it, then they aren't worthy of "His Best", I know i was removed three times for thinking the things this blog is saying. "But i'm still here".
So If not giving away something given to him to work with and openly letting in people who think less of themselves and their art is "creepy" then i guess your right. (Then what does that say about your Arts and Selves then?)
In this age of judge before being judged its funny that they want to attack someone, they don't know.. like the christian did to them and the worlds religions, all based on a blog no one can say "is real, or hasn't been just "passed about" and there are two others on here that know and studied with him, as well as myself. I'm a MAN by the way, and I know satanist and wiccan bs artist that just wanted to 'steal his thunder and coven". (In satanism by the way a cross bridge of today's basic occult there is a fully naked lady with 666 tattooed on her and she secretly "lay's with members", and in wicca when you get to be a 3rd degree you do a mock sexual ritual, or real if they want, 'so i see this as merely prude wanting to just be accepted, and that is fine, I can understand one wanting to protect their kids or others, but I personal know he has a online message stating he doesn't work with them since 2004.
and I wouldn't remain a student and bodyguard to this f-in BS, If i thought this Teacher was fake.
So I put it to you "so he has a test in these words to see who is real and who is not" and you down him for this message, So because its not a "liked or normal practice" and he is mysterious in it, you judge him and his work.
Sucks to be you, as I would want to know who is BS-ing me and who wasn't...
or is this the fact you "judge, what you never been part of" because other groups was "fake or told you no? (and this kind of wording on this very open place is cause for "slander")
Seek me if you want more then BS messages about him, but be prepared to take his crap again by those who make themselves "judge at your expense"
Yeah you can keep following him like sheep,that's your choice, me I have seen not just on this perverted post but his own fb page the dude is full of crap and his teaching is all about HIM!!!
I have one word, and one word only: Screenshots!
Exactly Mr Eckstein and you have provided plenty and people still try to justify this disgusting creeper...lmmfao!!!!!!!!
funny , did you know that that pic as your 'screenshot" comes from a famous wicca manual (he was calling out as false) when they said 'nudity didn't happen in wicca and wasn't required... (gossip is still only gossip until) they actually know stuff..
To actually try to justify this peds own words makes you just as bad, I don't know who this dude's trying to convince.....
I have a feeling JakeBlk is actually Mr. Aureaum's sock account. If you've read any of Aureaum's material from his website or Facebook page, notice the run-on sentences, writing style, and general lack of proper punctuation or paragraph breaks.
You can have boundaries and be a "real witch". You don't have to get naked or send crotch shots to prove your esoteric knowledge. Not wanting to send a complete stranger naked pictures of yourself doesn't make you a "prude".
The part of this that's creepy isn't necessarily the sex or nudity involved. Adults can make their own decisions about how they want to worship and who they want to have sex with. The part that's creepy is the entitlement. The suggestion is that basically, as a student, you're allowed to have zero personal boundaries. You have to prove your "willingness to learn" by sending naked pictures of yourself to the teacher before you even meet him. He gets to hide behind a computer screen. The power (im)balance is obvious, and there is a coercive tone. If you call him out, he gets angry, insults your intelligence, and accuses you of not being serious about being a "real witch". People become angry when they believe they are being deprived of something to which they believe they are entitled.
Now, why the hell do you need obtain your esoteric knowledge from Luxas Aureaum the Golden Wizard? Can't you obtain it elsewhere? Herein lies creepy red flag #2: the implication is that you *can't* obtain it elsewhere. Not if you want to become a "real witch". He has all the "true" secrets, and you can have them, too, if you send him money and spread your legs. Be wary of self-styled gurus.
I have been working with Luxas for many years within the root and more. How one reads messages tells much about the reader. Words circle, and you fill in the blanks..how you fill in the blanks tells us of yourself more than our words tell of ourselves to you. Find me if you seek to know more. IF not, well, we are still doing our thing, as we have been for as long as the chain has been around..one to the next, and I have been the next.
De Lady Diavanii of the Root, Thitching, and AGW.
He's a creep period...I'm sure he will be a registered sex offender one day
I think you need to create a "special" award for this "person?" entitled the "Calleth Up Vomitus" award. Information about his rules certainly had that effect on me, and also made me exceedingly glad all my children are sons and apparently not in his realm of interest...
He's a pervert
He's a creep period6
Like I said, if you want to know the truth of the matter, rather than the misread, fear-mongering BS that masquerades for news nowadays, please seek me. I assure you, you are reading it poorly. Actually, I am quite surprised that no one has sought me out yet, but it confirms what I have noticed. People only really want reactionary emotional kicks nowadays, not real seeking, but a life based on fears that get made into big false stories for lack of full information. Oh well. Not in my life, nor those of the magic.
De Lady, you are surprised no one has sought you out for more information?! Really?! Seriously?!
Personally, I would be surprised if anyone sought out you and yours given the screenshots.
And yes, I know---none of us are reading them properly because we have not got a single IQ point among the lot of us. And that is especially true of the person who somehow managed to earn a degree in literature.
You are absolutely right--there is absolutely no creepiness at all here. It is all because we are super jealous of your lord and master, the most learned and most intelligent Witch Master of All Time---all bow before him!
He should have witches and students lined up around the block to learn his secret wisdom. He should be getting hundreds and hundreds of snapshots of "ladies' magic gardens," so that he, and he alone, can decide who is really a witch deserving of his brand of special training.
And I should be taking this down because he is so special and unique in the annals of witchcraft.
But no, I am a mean poopy head who insists on posting his creepiness online to warn others away from him, and to be evidence against him if he ever does get brought up on charges. And yes, I know--no jury, no judge, no lawyer, is going to read it in the creepy tone of voice---because he is the greatest wizard of all time.
It has to be meanness and fear stirring...because there is no way to read this as being creepy. Or so, you say.
Perfectly said Sir
I can't believe peeps are still trying to justify this it baffles me, no way in Witchcraft do u need to see a woman's crotch to see if they are worthy, dudes a perv, and the people who defend him are sheep
Ok, so I come from a traditional, lineaged coven, and I have had contact with and gained information on other traditional lineaged covens. I come from a tradition where sex in circle is not only considered permissible and sacred, but celebrated. From this perspective and background, I will say this much. Nothing this man says in these posts, emails, requests, etc, is a requisite teaching of any tradition I am familiar with. Even most hard-right orthodox Witches would at least be made uncomfortable with this kind of request. The closest thing I can think of to what is described here are the practices outlined in some of the books by Gavin and Yvonne Frost. It reminded me particularly of an example from their "witches bible" where they talk about the father or mentor of a young girl of 12 "preparing" her for her role as a priestess by inserting a series of ever widening dildos into her over the course of months. Certainly a practice that when viewed through a detached lense could save the girl injury if rigorous ritual intercourse is in her future, but for a father to effectively masturbate a 12 year old daughter is exceedingly problematic and damaging to the psyche of any modern pre-teen and morally dubious at best.
To sum up about Master Golden Wizard Lucas Aureaum, do I believe this man's practices are legitimate expressions of ethically sound witchcraft by any standard? No. Do I believe there is a chance he was taught something like this and believes himself to be a legitimate practitioner? Yes, that's possible. Do I think that makes him any less of a creeper? Hells to the no. This dude is freakin terrifying. And you can take that from a traditional witch whose teachings praise screwing in circle.
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