Tuesday, June 21, 2016

TBH Master List June 2016

Master list for the June 2016 Tarot Blog Hop

1. Morgan Drake Eckstein  http://gleamingsfromthedawn.blogspot.com/2016/06/a-little-junk-little-glue-behold-new.html
2. Joy Vernon  http://joyvernon.com/Blog/junk-mail-tarot/
3.  Jay Cassels  http://metaphysicalangels.co.uk/tbh2
4.  Chloe for Inner Whispers  http://www.innerwhispers.co.uk/art-project-spell/
5.  Deird Doran  http://www.thewillowpathtarot.com/2016/06/21/tarot-blog-hop-a-tarot-art-project-with-the-kings/
6. Kristen (Over the Moon Oracle Cards) http://overthemoon-oraclecards.blogspot.com/2016/06/tarot-blog-hop-junk-mail-tarot.html
7. Meniscus (by Ania M) http://meniscustarot.co.uk/a-world-view/
8.  Chloe for Celtic Lenormand http://www.celticlenormand.com/2016/06/here-comes-sun.html
9.  Aisling http://tarotwitchery.blogspot.com/2016/06/june-2016-tarot-blog-hop-not-just-junk.html
10.  Ania M http://aniam.co.uk/blog/royal-mail/
11.  Karen Sealey https://pureblessedtarot.wordpress.com/2016/06/21/yesterdays-news-tomorrows-tarot/
12.  Katalin Patnaik https://katalinpatnaik.wordpress.com/2016/06/21/june-2016-tarot-blog-hop-junkmail-tarot
13. Stella  http://www.usgamesinc.com/tarotblog/tbh2016june/  
14. [Last minute dropout--please pardon any inconvience that this causes.]
15. Shada McKenzie https://warmheartsemailtarot.com/blog-hop-6-of-cups/
16.  Arwen http://tarotbyarwen.com/?p=18816
17.  Boglarka Kiss http://vadrozsatarot.blogspot.com/2016/06/junkmail-tarot.html

The task assigned to the bloggers was as follows:

The theme for this blog hop is "Junk mail Tarot." This is what I call a "Tarot art project for non-artists."

The idea is to take some photos and\/or artwork that someone else has done, and turn it into a Tarot card. Yes, I am assuming that you get junk mail and\/or magazines. If not, there is plenty of random photos on the internet, including stock photo sites. And then, there are the meme making sites.

Here are some examples.

Junk Mail Tarot 1

Junk Mail Tarot 2

Junk Mail Tarot 3 (based on random book covers and TV shots, and badly drawn)

Now for the writing part...because search engines love indexing text and words and stuff like that.

For the writing part, talk about why you choose the images, and how you are associating them to a particular Tarot card.

What if I want to do more than one card? Go for it! I am sure that I am going to do more than one myself.

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