"I have nothing. Nothing at all to write about. Who picked this subject? Oh. I assume that they mean well. They are probably are going to have a wonderful post. After all, they picked the topic. But still, I have nothing."
That is my normal response to each and every Tarot Blog Hop topic.
Well, half of them.
Well, some of them.
Well, the percentage is more than zero.
Of course, the really sad part about this one is that I was the wrangler (think magical cat herder), and I was the one who came up with the topic. And I still almost ended up with nothing.
Who would have guessed that "What I can (could) teach the world" would be such a hard topic for me to write about? Probably everyone who knows me.
After all, I came from a very nourishing environment with lots of warm fuzzy positive uplifting messages about my worth.
"You did everything wrong." "The only thing keeping you out of the nut-house is your mom." "You are an idiot." "That plan will never work." "I wish that you were never born."
In other words, I am the best example of what not to do.
(Such as "I have less than forty minutes to get this post finished because I choose to be sick as a dog yesterday, on top of all the computer problems that I have been having lately.")
Still one thing that I learned as a writer with lots of nothing to say is that the universe will deliver things to write about if you willing to let it all hang out.
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Remember--even at the worst of times, it could always be worse. |
So I woke up one morning (this was the morning that an airplane lost one of its engines, had a giant hole blown out of it, and partially sucked a passenger out, later she died), read the news (or enough to see the highlight of the day), and looked outside.
(Trust me, the airplane story is important because of my long association of airplane accidents with the Lightning Struck Tower--you will see.)
It was windy. The type of day that you expect to see pigs and witches on brooms fly past the window. Hurricane force winds in a land locked state.
I was following the progress of a box blowing back and forth. I thought about going out there and grabbing it. I thought about cutting it up for the recycle. But that will involve going outside.
And I did not feel like going outside just yet.
I was more interested in transferring what I wrote the night before to the computer, editing and printing it out.
One last look outside before work...still windy.
"Hmm. Is this part of Three Witches Talk Smack or is it part of Death to the Great Gherkin?"
Print it out. Write a few things down.
Fifteen minutes later. (Maybe it was ten.) Look outside.
"Huh. The pine tree lost a branch. Oh, more than a branch. Oh dear, the entire tree has fallen over. Still it could be worse. It could have hit the house."
And that is what I can teach the world. Things can always be worse.
The first time, I heard this truth was when a semi-trailer truck drove though my dad's car at two in the morning. "It could have been worse. If it would have happened during the day, one of the kids may have been killed. After all, they play right where the car was tossed."
In the case of the tree, I could have been outside and had it land upon me. Or it could have fallen on the house (right on the corner of the house that contained the room that I was working in). The tree could have waited until we got the sidewalk replaced and destroyed a big section of that.
"It could have been worse."
There was my blog post, a long video, and endless hours of conversation about how my luck works.
I had nothing. Now, I had something. It was not uplifting. Maybe it was uplifting (it did toss bricks everywhere). Still, I had a post. Once again, nothing became something.
The only difficultly was connecting it with the Tarot. And that difficulty lasted only a few seconds because the entire day was just one giant Lightning Struck Tower day.
So there you have it--lots of nothing, a bad example of how my mind works, and me saying, "It could have been worse." Plus I finished this post with three minutes to spare. I am a shiny example of what not to do; but if you are going to do it, be positive that things could have been worse.
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Here is a video...because I could.
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"Once again, nothing became something." That there is an amazing lesson. Sometimes something becomes nothing and much much much less frequently nothing becomes something.
HA! Very relatable! I had a strikingly similar experience...
You're right - that's what I say to myself at nearly every blog hop lol! Glad to know I'm not alone! And nothing most definitely became something - well done!
Yep. Most of the time, and most especially with this theme (glares accusingly at Morgan) I have absolutely no idea at all what to write. That said, I tend to find that once I start, something usually presents itself :D
Totally with you on the "things could be worse"- they almost always can.
I love it when someone says, "Well, that couldn't have gone worse!" because that's such an excellent opportunity to exercise creative negativity and relate to that person all the things that certainly could have made it worse.
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